The website may be ready!

This blog post was written on 29/3/2020

Well, today I’m writing from a positive place! As I’ve slowly drifted back on to social media, more so because I have no motivation and determination to do any uni work. I have decided to put the finishing touches to the website. It was really important to me to get all the information down as much as I possibly could so that people could access the resources that they needed.

Right now, in the midst of COVID-19 aka Corona Virus, it’s important that people have access to free information in order to best help themselves along in this crisis. That’s important. We are already on our knees, some of us barely getting by on the days and having restless nights. No one should be making a profit out of this situation (more on the shop following) therefore, giving this website out there for people to access for free comes at the best time.

I want a launch party! Would have to be online… of course!

Georgina x